Tummy Tuck

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Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Procedure

Available to Patients Throughout Norwich, Norfolk

Many people dream of having a slim and contoured mid-section. Whether you’re looking for a more defined chest or tighter stomach, an abdominoplasty procedure, known also as the tummy tuck, may be your solution. 

The procedure itself is performed by Dr. Gary Horn, a skilled plastic surgeon, with over 25 years of cosmetic surgery experience. With locations conveniently in Norwich, Norfolk, and Brussels, Dr. Horn can help you improve the overall look and feel of your body.
What is Abdominoplasty “Tummy Tuck”?

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to address the troubled areas of one's abdominal region. A tummy tuck can be carried out in two separate ways, Traditional vs. Mini. A full traditional tummy tuck targets both areas above and below the navel (belly button), while a mini tummy tuck focuses on the region underneath the navel. The goal of an abdominoplasty is to remove any excess fat and loose skin, while leaving behind tightened skin, muscles, and obliques.
Candidates for Tummy Tuck

The ideal candidates for a tummy tuck procedure are those living with excess fat, sagging skin, or other imperfections within the abdominal/oblique region. This may have come about after pregnancy, natural aging, fluctuations in weight loss/gain or prior surgeries. 

For future success and results after the procedure, patients should have overall good health with a clean and healthy diet.

The Abdominoplasty Procedure

As this is a surgical procedure, both the traditional and mini tummy tuck options require incisions to be made by Dr. Horn to access those areas of excess fat, loose skin, and other potential imperfections. 

In preparation for the procedure, there are a few changes you will need to arrange for a successful surgery and recovery time to take place.

Two Weeks Prior 

Do Not: Drink Alcohol, Smoke or Take Aspirin/Ibuprofen 

Prepare: Have a Drive Home, Cook/Freeze Easy Meals 

Limit Consumption of Sodium 

Prior to Surgery 

Cannot Drink/Eat 8 Hours Prior to Surgery 

Day of Surgery 

Do Not: Wear Jewelry, Makeup, Contacts 

Wear Comfortable & Loose Clothing 
General Anesthetic will be applied, with an average procedure length of a couple hours to several depending on the type of surgery. During the abdominoplasty, Dr. Horn will make the necessary marked incisions, remove any excess fat, trim back loose skin, and end by suturing the incision locations.

Recovery & Results

After your procedure, recovery time can begin with the reducing of swelling around the abdomen. Overall, the time after procedure can go from two to six weeks depending on the type of surgery. After your recovery, you will notice a natural, tighter-looking stomach. While the results of a tummy tuck are permanent, it is important to maintain your weight and diet to have that consistent slimmer look long-term.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Horn

If you are interested in changing your overall appearance, starting with a tight and contoured stomach, consider a tummy tuck. Dr. Gary Horn is proud to meet with patients throughout Norwich, Norfolk to discuss their goals. Contact our office today to schedule your initial consultation today. We look forward to helping you achieve the body you desire.
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