Buttock Implants

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Buttock Implants

Buttock Augmentation

Available to Patients Throughout Norwich, Norfolk

There are 3 ways of doing a buttock augmentation


Fat transfer


Buttock implants


This is the most effective and pleasing way to obtain a buttock augmentation.

Dr Horn started using buttock implants 25 years ago. He learned in Brazil and was the first one to introduce this new technique in the U.K

Buttock implants are specific implants for buttocks. They are not breast implants placed in the buttocks

The implants we are using are made of silicon gel and are more natural than the hard ones used in the u.s

They come in 2 shapes (round and ovale)and about 6 different sizes ( from 200 to 560 cc)

Buttock implants give an excellent contour and projection, and some sort of uplift.

Surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and usually requires an overnight stay

Technically, the incisions are placed on the midline , in between buttock cheeks and are barely visible.

Implants can be placed on top of the muscle ( subfascial pocket), inside the gluteus maximus muscle (intramuscular) or under the muscle ( submuscular)

In our experience, 90 % of the cases are intramuscular

Most of the time, after stitching up, drains are left in the implant pockets for a minimum of 24 hours

During the recovery time ( 3 weeks) , patients are instructed to rest in a prone position for the first 2 weeks and to wear a compression garment for 3 weeks to minimize discomfort and reduce swelling as healing occurs

Sitting should start straight after surgery

Fat transfer and liposuction



Liposuction of flanks , or outer thighs is sometimes performed during a buttock augmentation , as not only ,it is a way to collect some fat but also it can help contouring the buttocks and give a better projection

Fat transfer ( also called BBL)


Fat transfer to the buttocks has been used for a long time and is very popular. It allows not only to slim down and remove the ungracious fat excess ( stomach, flanks, inner or outer thighs…) but also to create a real augmentation to the whole buttock or just parts of it , such as the sides ( giving the hour glass shape)

Today fat transfer has a bad reputation following serious incidents

This fat transfer has to be done in a very careful way , following the guidelines of the top societies of plastic surgery.

The amount of fat injected , the location and the layer where this fat is injected should always follow those guidelines

Apart from these limits , mentioned above, the other problem of fat transfer is the percentage of fat that can disappear after surgery and get reabsorbed by your body( up to 20%),meaning that you might need a second session of fat transfer in the future.

Fat transfer can be done as a sole procedure or combined with buttock implants.

Buttock fillers


Some patients don’t want to have surgery to increase the size of their bums and are looking for non surgical options.

Hyaluronic acid fillers has been used for buttock augmentation in the past 10 years and are now very popular

These specific volumizing fillers are now able to restore buttock contours

The advantages of this non surgical procedure are obvious:

-No need for general anaesthesia

-limited downtime

-no aggressive surgery

HA fillers can be used to increase the volume of the whole buttock or to improve parts of the buttocks ( hip dips..)

Depending on the amount injected, the procedure can be done with just local anaesthesia or if the patient is too nervous, or if the volume injected is significant, a sedation can be suggested

After the injection, the patient has to wear a support garment, use a special pillow in order not to sit on the bums, and sleep face down for 2 weeks

Antibiotics are prescribed for a week.

A gentle daily massage of the filler is recommended

The only limit of this technique is the life expectancy of the filler, which varies from patient to patient but usually is between 12 and 18 months

Other techniques of buttock surgery

Buttock uplift

Due to aging process or massive weight loss, a buttock can sag

Several options are available , depending on where the skin excess is

When this sagginess involves the lower part of the buttock( the skin is dropping below the level of the infra gluteal fold) , a proper buttock uplift is the solution

The scar is located on top of the infra gluteal fold, and the skin excess is removed

Body lift


When patients lost massive amount of weight , and need a bodylift, the excess skin and fat tissue located on the back can be used to restore the volume and the shape of the top and middle thirds of the buttock ( with or without adding an implant)

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