Stretch Marks

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Stretch Marks

Stretch Mark Treatments

Stretch marks correction using microneedling


Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of a device with fine needles to create tiny punctures ( micro injuries) in the skin. This process stimulates the body s natural healing response, promoting collagen and elastin production. Microneedling has been used as a treatment for various skin concerns, including stretch marks. Here is how microneedling is typically performed for the treatment of stretch marks.



The process usually begins with a consultation with a qualified  plastic surgeon. He will assess the extent and characteristics of your stretch marks , discuss your medical history, and determine if microneedling is a suitable treatment for you.


Before the procedure, your skin is cleansed, and a topical numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort during the microneedling session.

Microneedling procedure

The microneedling device is passed over the skin in the area of the stretch marks, after applying on your skin a cocktail of active ingredients.

The device creates controlled micro injuries in the skin, allowing the active ingredients to be pushed down to the different layers of your dermis, but also triggering the body’s natural healing process.

The combination of the active ingredients and the micro injuries stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for skin structure and elasticity.

Post treatment care

After the procedure , your skin may appear red and feel sensitive, similar to mild sunburn. This is a normal response and usually subsides within a few days.

It is important to follow post treatment care instructions provided by your doctor which may include avoiding sun exposure and using specific skin care products.

Recovery and results

The recovery time is relatively short compared to more invasive procedures. Most people resume their normal activities within a few days.

Collagen remodelling takes time, so you may start noticing improvements in the appearance of your stretch marks after a few weeks to months as new collagen is produced.

Number of sessions

The number of microneedling sessions needed can vary depending on the severity of the stretch marks and individual response to treatment. Multiple sessions are often recommended, spaced several weeks apart.


It s important to note that while microneedling can improve the appearance of stretch marks, complete removal may not be achievable. Results can vary among individuals, and some residual marks may remain. Additionally, the success of the treatment depends on factors such as the age and colour of the stretch marks


It s crucial to have realistic expectations and consult with a qualified doctor to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your specific case. Always choose an experienced practitioner to perform microneedling for stretch marks or any other cosmetic procedure.

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