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Full Facelift Procedures

Reduce Signs of Ageing & Rejuvenate Your Appearance

Stress, age, and environmental factors work together to diminish your youthful appearance over the years, often decreasing self-confidence as well. To reduce the signs of ageing, you can receive a facelift to revitalise your appearance. Dr. Gary F. Horn is able to perform expert full facelift procedures for patients in London, Brussels and the Norwich, Norfolk area. He can combine procedures and techniques for optimal results and youthful aesthetics.

What Does a Full Facelift Treat?

A full facelift can help minimise the signs of ageing in your face and neck. These signs can include deep creases under the eyes or along the nose, wrinkles and lines around the mouth and cheeks, and loss of skin elasticity around the jawline and chin that gives the appearance of a double chin and jowls. A full facelift is able to treat these issues by removing excess skin and tightening the underlying tissues. Dr. Horn can often combine a facelift with a brow lift to correct a sagging brow or a neck lift to significantly reduce jowls and loose neck skin.

Varying Techniques

Dr. Horn uses two techniques for facelift procedures. The SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) approach is what many consider to be a traditional facelift. The MACS (minimal access cranial suspension) technique is a newer method that can provide significant results with a less invasive procedure. Dr. Horn will discuss your concerns and goals to help you determine the right techniques for your unique case.

Candidates for Full Facelifts

The ideal candidate for a facelift procedure should have good overall health and no medical conditions that could affect healing. Patients should not smoke, as it inhibits healing. Good candidates will also have realistic expectations for what the procedure can achieve. A facelift does not stop you from ageing and will not last forever, but it can help restore a more youthful appearance, especially when combined with other facial surgeries such as a blepharoplasty.

‘Dr. Horn is dedicated to helping each patient achieve significant results safely and effectively. His years of experience can help you restore your appearance and achieve a more youthful look.’
Steps of the Procedure

As with most surgeries, the facelift procedure begins with the administration of anaesthesia. Dr. Horn uses traditional incisions, as he feels that endoscopic incisions do not provide enough room to do quality work. The incision typically begins at the temple, following the hairline and curving around the ear for the SMAS approach. The MACS technique will place the incisions in front of the ears in the natural crease of your skin.

Once the incision is made, Dr. Horn will separate the skin from the tissue underneath. He will tighten and lift the underlying muscle structure and tissues. This step is vital to achieve significant results. Once this stage is complete, Dr. Horn will remove excess skin and fat. He may remove excess fat from the neck with liposuction through a very small incision underneath the chin. He will then pull the remaining skin tight and suture it closed. The full procedure should last about two to three hours, depending on the severity of your case.

Recovery from the Facelift Procedure

After your procedure, you will experience some swelling and bruising. Most bruising will fade in a couple of weeks, but swelling can take up to several weeks to disappear. Once Dr. Horn removes your bandages, you will need to wear a support garment for about two weeks. After three weeks, you can return to work, and in six weeks, you can get back to the gym.

Rejuvenate Your Appearance

Dr. Horn is dedicated to helping each patient achieve significant results safely and effectively. His years of experience can help you restore your appearance and achieve a more youthful look. 

Reach out today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Horn. Our services are available for patients throughout Norwich, Norfolk and the surrounding areas.

Cosmetic Surgery for the Face

Full Facelift

Age, genetics, and stress can lead to lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. A full facelift cosmetic surgery procedure helps reduce the visible signs of ageing such as creases around the eyes and nose, loose skin along the jawline and jowls, and fat deposits that create the appearance of a double chin or sagging neck.

Nose Reshaping/Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can enhance the symmetry of your face, as well as correct issues with impaired breathing. Dr. Horn can perform this procedure to address a bulbous or drooping nasal tip, correct a deviated septum, or unblock an obstructed airway.


Usually performed as an outpatient surgery, blepharoplasty corrects puffiness in the eyelids, bags under the eyes, and drooping eyelids that make you look older and impair your peripheral vision. Dr. Horn can perform this in combination with other facial cosmetic surgeries for a more dramatic result.

Brow Lift

With age, horizontal wrinkles may appear across the forehead and on the bridge of the nose, while vertical wrinkles appear between the eyebrows, often making people look angry or tired. With a brow lift, Dr. Horn can adjust and tighten the skin and muscles in your forehead to reduce wrinkles and raise sagging brows.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation can help bring symmetry to your face by decreasing the appearance of a prominent nose, reducing a double chin, and adding volume, height, and width to your chin. Dr. Horn can insert an implant or transfer fat from another part of your body, improving the shape of your jawline.


Dr. Horn can reshape children's ears, removing or altering the cartilage to provide a less prominent appearance. Also known as having your ears pinned, an otoplasty is typically performed after age three when the ear is fully grown. The procedure can also be performed on adults as well as lobe reduction and repair.

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Facelifts
Available for Patients Throughout the Norwich, Norfolk Area

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