Pectoral Implants

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Pectoral Implants

Pectoral Implant Procedure

Available to Patients Throughout Norwich, Norfolk

Many men find that even with regular exercise they are unable to achieve the defined chest they desire. Others find themselves plagued with overly large breasts that lack any definition. As a designer of pectoral implants, Dr. Gary F. Horn has the experience and skill to place the best implants for defining your chest. If you suffer from underdeveloped chest muscles or long for more definition in your chest, pec implants can provide significant enhancement. With locations in Norwich,London, and Brussels, Dr. Horn can conveniently provide the change you are looking for.
Choosing Pectoral Implants

Implants come in various sizes to match your proportions and provide the desired shape and projection. The silicone implants also come in both smooth and textured shells to give a variety of aesthetics and benefits. Dr. Horn can meet with you to discuss the best options for your goals. He helped create the pectoral implant and has an excellent understanding of how to help each unique patient. Dr. Horn is also highly skilled in placing implants for the best results. You can trust his expertise to achieve the more enhanced chest you desire.
Candidates for Pectoral Implants

Ideal candidates for pectoral implants are in good general health and have realistic expectations for what the procedure can provide them. Many will undergo the surgery for purely aesthetic reasons, while others seek to correct a chest deformity or asymmetry caused by a birth defect or previous surgery. Some patients suffer from gynaecomastia, a condition in which the breasts are overdeveloped or enlarged, often due to genetics or obesity. For these patients, Dr. Horn can combine the insertion of pectoral implants with male breast reduction to provide a more masculine physique.

The Implant Procedure

You will first have a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Horn. At this time, he will take measurements of your chest and discuss the shapes and sizes of implants available. He will go over every aspect of the procedure with you from the type of anaesthesia used to your recovery time.

For patients undergoing gynaecomastia surgery, Dr. Horn will begin with the reduction of the breasts. This can be achieved by liposuction to remove excess fat tissue, excision to remove excess skin or glandular tissue, or a combination of the two. With the surgery completed, the doctor will move on to the insertion of the implants.

‘Dr. Horn helped create the pectoral implant and has an excellent understanding of how to help each unique patient.’
To place pectoral implants, Dr. Horn will make an incision in the underarm crease about five centimetres long. He will create a pocket between the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles in your chest and insert the implant into the pocket. He will then close the incision and place a compression garment to help with swelling and to keep the implants from shifting. The entire procedure should take about two hours.

Recovering from the Procedure

Dr. Horn recommends taking up to two weeks off from work to recover. You will continue to wear the compression vest for at least three weeks, at which time swelling should subside. You will need to refrain from heavy lifting or gym activity for at least six weeks. With proper healing, your pectoral implants can last about ten years.

Enhance Your Chest

If you feel dissatisfied with the size of your chest muscles or uncomfortable because of overly large, undefined breasts, implants can help you achieve the look you desire. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Horn in one of our three locations.
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